Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
Our history dates back to 2001. From the beginning, we were strongly associated with the IT industry, however initially we served a broader spectrum of clients. Since 2015, we have been operating as a specialist law firm, focusing on serving companies in the new technologies sector, including IT, e-commerce and innovation, as well as companies in the healthcare sector.
See MoreWe have built our experience chiefly in cooperation with entrepreneurs. At present, the Firm's clients include more than 100 entities, including medium and large-sized ones, conducting business in Poland and abroad.
We accompany our clients at all stages of development. We provide support to company founders, start-ups, and mature companies employing from a few dozen to several hundred people.
We have more than 20 years of experience in serving businesses in typical areas of their activity such as corporate matters, personnel relations, commercial contracts, capital transactions, data protection and litigation.
The firm's clients are chiefly companies in the area of new technologies, including IT companies, e-commerce, start-ups, companies implementing innovations and companies in the healthcare sector.
We provide comprehensive legal support to IT companies and IT service consumers. Our clients include integrators, software houses, outsourcing companies and freelancers.
We assist start-ups and companies developing and implementing innovations. We help you choose the optimal legal form for your business or project and provide legal support throughout the entire period of operation.
learn moreWe offer comprehensive services for the e-commerce industry, including online stores, services and web portals.
We provide legal advice to healthcare entities involved in the provision of healthcare services. We provide legal assistance to hospitals, clinics and individual medical practices.
learn moreCompanies, foundations, associations
Employment contracts, B2B, service contracts
Agreements with customers, suppliers and partners
M&A, restructuring
Personal data, business confidentiality
Nagotiations, litigation
Our team includes attorneys, trainee attorneys and lawyers with experience in providing legal services to companies in the area of new technologies and healthcare.
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